Main Page > Contact Us > Cooperation > Show Application Form

Hong Kong Rope Skipping Club

Show Application Form Please complete the form and send it to us, immediate follow up will be made by our staff.
* Name of Organ./School:
* Address of Organ./School:
* Contact Number: Fax Number:
* Name of Representative: * Contact Number of 
* Email Address:
* Date of Show: * Show Location:
* Time of Show: Time of Rehearsal:
Name of Show:
* Details of Show:

* Size of the Venue: M x M
Target Audience: Estimated number of Audience:
* Fee of Show/
Travel Fee of Show:
Equipment Support:
Other special requirement 
(e.g. Dress、Type of Music、 Age of actor, etc.):
* How do you know our company?
(Multiple Choice)

Our Company also provided different service, included skipping training course, skipping day, parent-child fun day, skipping equipment, etc. Customers who are interested on the services of our company, please contact our staff about the detail information. Discount can be given for the customers who are both interest on show application and skipping training course.
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